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The painting depicts the chaotic state of the artist's inner world.

֏ 6,500
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The artist has depicted three symbols that are illuminated. In the center of the picture is the Bible in the form of a book. The 12 lines on the book are the 12 disciples of Christ, and below is a cross.

֏ 6,500
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On the left side of the picture, the artist depicted the symbol of motherhood, which feeds all of Armenia. And on the right side of the picture is a house with several apartments. Christian and Muslim people live in the houses. A general state of mixed chaos prevails. And the sun is a symbol of light that will bring victory to Armenia.

֏ 6,500
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The picture depicts a symphony of musical instruments, singing voices and music.

֏ 6,500
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The artist painted the picture based on the musical play "Four minutes and thirty-three seconds" (4′33″) by the world-famous musician John Cage. The picture depicts the heartbeat heard in silence and the sound of blood moving in the veins.

֏ 6,500
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Artist Karine Galstyan

The artist depicted Kond, where she spent her childhood years.

֏ 5,500
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Artist Karine Galstyan

The artist depicted wildflowers using the whole palette of life.

֏ 6,500
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Artist Karine Galstyan

The artist depicted the development of the art of Armenian dancers in the form of a family tree.

֏ 5,500
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Artist Karine Galstyan


The artist depicted his emotions in an abstract style of painting and art.

The bright palette used conveys positive energy to those who wear a scarf.


֏ 6,500
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Artist Karine Galstyan


A man and a woman are sitting on a sofa.

A forbidden fruit is in front of them.

They haven't managed to get close to the forbidden fruit yet.

֏ 5,000
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Bird letters express the user's artistic taste. Inaryan has created a unique collection of bird letters and ornaments.

֏ 4,500
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Bird letters express the user's artistic taste. Inaryan has created a unique collection of bird letters and ornaments.




֏ 4,500